there is such a poverty of intellect among marxists on this site, its all aesthetics and no substance
i actually get kinda fucking mad bc i felt like i needed to prove myself to everyone and their mother which is why i devoted so much of my time to learning theory
my search for knowledge began because i have a massive chip on my shoulder but the more people asked me to explain things to them, the more i realized that no one else knew what the fuck they were talking about
and like...that shouldnt be the case, right? you shouldnt be so confidently and proudly wrong as a MARXIST, right? like the whole point is that we do our fieldwork and book research to assess the situation...and luckily we have so much information at our disposal.
its just this pride in being ignorant and wrong and LOUD abt it and how those people usually end up with the biggest followings bc they can sell communism to the lowest common denominator
remember, EVERYTHING can be commodified under capitalism, including communism. buzz words and concepts can be sold and thus utterly defenestrated
there ARE content creators like jones manuel who do excellent work educating people....why is that? why is it that jones is so much more astute than someone like vaush or contra points?

because he actually fucking organizes lol.
its not THE ONLY reason (jones is black and third world, the other two dipshits are millionaire honqueis looking for a buck)
but jones also doesnt turn his content into a brand. he works with other left content creators and a radical book publisher and bookstore, but he doesnt...sell communism. he literally informs people. whereas people like vaush and contra only exist to sell radical AESTHETIC.
it is empty of substance because it has to be. it has to be empty and meaningless otherwise it wont sell. and make no mistake....they want to sell you something.
this is why social capital can be so fucking damaging to socialists. your very presence on a website becomes something you can profit from. your words are your product. make sure theyre advertiser friendly.
jones doesnt give a shit if some liberal dipshit doesnt like his content bc he doesnt make content for them. he makes content for working class brazilians w internet access. he doesnt fucking sell an aesthetic or brand or look for an audience of liberals w deep pockets.
the ones most likely and able to spend on a ten dollar patreon tier are also the ones least likely to actually want revolution, yet thats who all these breadtubers aim their content at. make them feel comfortable yet also ~radical~
im so radical because i want universal healthcare! imperialism? thats a tankie word! and honestly why would some middle class honquei gringo give a fuck about imperialism? they will NEVER feel its effects.
i could go on but there are very real material reasons for this glut of fucking pointless, vapid 'leftists' making 'radical' content for middle class malcontents to feel good about themselves.
and what has the actual revolutionary left done in resonse?

why, sink down to their level, of course! lets make meme pages too!
do not misunderstand me: we are not 'going down' to the working class. we are going down to the level of people with disposable income who have everything to lose under socialism.
we do not need to 'go down' to the working class. we need to rise up to meet them because we arent fucking doing our fucking part and thus are unable and UNWILLING to meet their needs and concerns.
instead, we sink down to spoiled yt children who think following rules is slavery and who proudly flaunt how they were nazis three months ago. thats who we want to appeal to? really? fuck off.
there is no money to be made in doing work like jones, and there is A LOT of harassment and personal danger to yourself and your family in it for those who undertake the task of education. it is NOT a simple or easy business.
i have considered making a youtube channel but i will never do it simply because i couldnt handle the inevitable harassment and threats it would bring. it is unbelievably toxic, alienating, taxing work and it always falls to marginalized people to do.
i know im not alone in feeling this way. i dont want to be a role model. i dont want someone to look to me as An Educator full time. i just want to be someone with a private life and private emotions. but no one is stepping up to the plate to do that work.
and we are losing. we are very fucking much losing.

so maybe im in the wrong here for not wanting to take on that responsibility. but we, as marxists, have to do something more than imitating the social imperialist left in tactics. oh yeah the reason those people fucking love 'deradicalizing nazis' is bc those are the people who pay their bills. nazis who learn to use politically correct language to slide deeper and deeper into left circles owe breadtube a huge debt.
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