If someone you know is making you uncomfortable, you don't need to tell them and can go straight to the blocking them step, but if you then also try to spin it to others to make it sound like you already told that person and they ignored your requests to stop, that's shitty.
People aren't psychic. You need to lay down your boundaries. You don't HAVE to of course and like I said you can just block them immediately, but to then try to ruin their life and friendships heavily implying a version of events that didn't happen... come the fuck on.
And yeah this is a subtweet. It's all I have courage to do right now. I'm angry but cowardly, so this is where we're at.
Transfemmes have an uphill battle to fight every single day. There's already an overwhelming number of cis people ready to assume we're sexual predators and/or pedophiles.

But when the queer community gets involved with bad info and half-heard rumors, it can get even worse.
The nature of social media is like a twisted game of telephone. The story can get warped FAST.

We have to be 1000% sure the facts are being shared accurately at every turn, because this shit is TRIVIAL to weaponize and we don't yet have a good defense against it.
I ask that if you're tempted to take the worst interpretation of my words as what I intended, try to look at my history on this site. I work very hard to listen to folks and do right by everyone. Reach out to me if you really think I'm suddenly saying something terrible here.
I'm talking about accusations thrown at my friend @RiotGrrrlJemma who needed to deactivate (hopefully not forever).

I don't know anything about the person who made these accusations against her. But the lack of receipts being shared should make you think.
If people want to send love Jemma's way, I know she'd appreciate it. I know her @ on Telegram if you want to reach her.
I'm really sticking my neck out here but I do it out of love for my friends and trying to do the right thing. I wanna try to change the tide of this discussion before another person's life is ruined irrevocably.

Do not send hate to anyone on my or Jemma's behalf. It ends here.
And if I happened to get some details wrong, all I can say is I'm working with the info I have and welcome anyone arguing in good faith to help me out with anything I'm missing.
You can follow @TransSalamander.
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