Some Signs You Are in an Abusive Relationship

(Few things first:
-This is by no means a comprehensive list, just some of the signs
-You don’t have to experience ALL of these to be in an abusive relationship
-Women can also be abusers
-Abuse is about power & control)
Physical Violence

-They violently grab you, or push, shove, or hit you.
-They force you to do things you don't want to do.
-They hurt or harm you, or your family or friends.
-They sexually abuse you.
Verbal Abuse

-They threaten violence against you, or your family or friends.
-They blame you for all of the relationship problems.
-They blame you for their anger and violence.
-They yell and/or curse at you.
-They put you down or insult you, privately or in front of others.

-They insult your looks, intelligence, capabilities, etc.
-They disparagingly compare you to others.
-They insult your family or friends.
-They degrade you, tell you you are worthless.

-They isolate you from your family and/or friends (if they can’t make you leave them, they’ll abuse or insult them directly in an effort to get them to leave you).
-They accuse you of flirting or cheating.

-They control where and when you go, and who you see.
-They always want to know what you are doing, who you are with, and who you communicate with.
/END Thread

I'm sure I missed a lot, so please feel free to add to this list. Thank you.
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