So, TRAs argue that transwomen aren't safe around men, & that our fear makes us deserving of access to women's spaces - despite women's discomfort and fears.

Do we open women's spaces for every man who has been bullied by other men? Or do we expect violent men to be prosecuted?
What's different here is that trans activists have other motives for demanding protection from their own.

They are demanding validation on top of safety. They want uneasy women to be nice, and move over. The new transgender community includes some unsavoury characters.
This includes cross dressers, bearded "non binaries", furries, MAPs (pedos), and other fetishes who have slid in under the trans banner.

It suggests that this is a men's sexual rights movement.
I would like to hear from politicians who repeat the clearly untrue mantra that "trans women are women". Why are they ignoring biological reality and forcing women to endure poor treatment, including rape, voyeurism, and sexual assault to accommodate males in prisons, shelters?
Why is putting on a dress and lipstick proof of womanhood when everyone, fucking everybody, knows which sex to abort, which sex to circumcise, which sex to pay more, which sex to be surrogates?

They know we are male but they are craven cowards and won't say it.
The lawsuits are piling up, but none of these lawmakers give af about damaged women.

They don't care if men ruin women's sports, or rape them in prison. These are mere inconveniences. This doesn't make people like me safer either. So why this push?
But misogynists love it.
Uppity women can be excluded from boardrooms because "trans women are women". Except we aren't.

Women can suffer silently because expressing discomfort gets them fired from work, and they can hire men instead.
It's all done in the name of diversity. Except there is nothing diverse here. It's mostly white men, living out their desires while women are pushed to the margins.

Same old sexism but this time in heels.
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