that thunder is organizers across nyc disavowing nycmarchers, who collaborate with cops, are led by a zionist, and who weaponize Blackness to silence valid criticism.
their team is violently hostile to criticism & at least 1 member is a known sexual harasser. do not donate funds. if you’re at a protest and someone yells “mic check,” don’t listen. they do that to get folks to stop actual dearrests/get ppl to cooperate with cops.
they blocked food delivery and tried preventing volunteers from passing out pizza, breaking up the line and yelling at the volunteers. all they want is control and their control is in collab with cops so their endgame goal is to completely destabilize city hall.
they get arrested to make it seem like they’re with the movement, they get police escorts, they lead folks into kettles on bridges to break up the people.

if you see someone in an nycmarchers shirt at a protest DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM + SPREAD THE WORD.
they really thought they could pull that shit on me and i’d just sheepishly let it slide. ME, OF ALL PEOPLE.
more info: courtney of nycmarchers (seen here) wears scrubs to protests and then when nycmarchers leads people into kettles to get arrested, she yells about being an essential worker to get media attention. she is not an essential worker.
also there is no need for bail funds. organizers who were arrested with nycmarchers were released on summons without bail, charges dropped. this is a transparent + obvious attempt to collect cash without any transparency about where that money is actually going.
nycmarchers is a dangerous scam organization taking advantage of a movement to cash in. spread the word to everyone you know. if you see them at a protest, tell organizers not to associate with them. they are violent and utilize white guilt to silence dissent #OccupyCityHallNYC
they bring megaphones and that makes protestors think they’re in control and trustworthy. they literally call for mic checks to silent protestors, then talk about nothing. people blindly follow their lead because they’re scared of questioning them.
i was scolded by a girl while on the frontline fortifying the park for not “following the lead of the organizers” because the “organizers” (nycmarchers) kept calling mic checks to keep the crowd silent and scared. i laughed in her face for it.
no legitimate organizer has any reason to silence the crowd unless they need to deliver urgent information. nycmarchers call mic checks just to keep people quiet.
lmao they haven’t removed the tag yet
i’m tying these threads together:
the former lead organizer of food ops took to the channel today to officially disavow & disaffiliate from nycmarchers following a flood of concerns/complaints from volunteers (1 of 2):
(2 of 2). nycmarchers think they can intimidate people into silence so they can continue to cash in on media attention and funds from wellmeaning folks who are just looking to help. they fucking thought wrong. TRY ME. i fucking DARE YOU. #OccupyCityHallNYC
food ops provided a vital resource and a beautiful community of talented, passionate volunteers who worked round the clock to serve our comrades. we slept in the street, baked in the sun, stood on the frontlines to fortify the park, and threw our whole selves into the movement.
food ops did with a few thousand dollars what the city fails to do with billions: feed the people. in a 24-hour period, we prepared and served hundreds of meals and turned no one away. within hours of nycmarchers taking over, they upended all the work food ops had done.
this, in my personal opinion, is their greatest transgression. entering a movement to juice funds and lead people into danger while collaborating with cops is bad, but sadly these spaces have their share of scammers.

coming between the people and food is an act of violence.
i didn’t know all the shit they were doing until yesterday but once i found out they fucked with the food, it was game over. i am not going to stop until their group is dismantled and they are banned from every progressive space on the planet. food justice is not a fucking game.
the only acceptable apology nycmarchers could ever provide is to transfer 100% of their funds to real organizers and to permanently disband. nothing else will suffice. #DefundTheNYCMarchers
all cop collaborators are bastards #DefundTheNYCMarchers #OccupyCityHallNYC
email @bradlander’s office and tell him to disaffiliate with this severely fucked up scam: [email protected]
#DefundTheNYCMarchers #OccupyCityHallNYC
last night at #occupycityhallnyc general assembly, NYCMarchers tried doing the same shit they always do. this time, the camp called them out and turned their backs on them. absolutely beautiful. #DefundTheNYCMarchers (h/t @deanospameano)
an expose-the-bastards profile has entered the chat. lmao @ ‘police station’

brad lander’s team disaffiliated from NYCMarchers AND asked to be sent any claims of association AND shaded zach for misclaiming credit too.

this was my email 🥰 got em on record saying they don’t know or affiliate with NYCMarchers or Zach Schaffer so next time you see em...
NYCMarchers are still at #OccupyCityHallNYC, still trying to steal space and funds from actual organizers.

seems they removed their team shirts but the whole camp knows their scam. clout chasing zionist zach shaffer made an appearance. hope you enjoyed the free pizza lmfao:
i’m pretty sure they’re just gunna keep a team there to try holding some semblance of control till the very end rather than doing the smart thing which would’ve been fully uprooting before the tides could turn.
since they took off their group merch, it’s prob worth noting that people showing up to protests with bullhorns are NOT necessary the organizers of that action.

pay attention!
if randos pull up & keep calling mic checks as crowd control, spread the word to IGNORE them.
this shit slides because lily white protestors are afraid of questioning any non-white ‘authority’. you gotta critically engage with shit, not just switch what/who you mindlessly follow! the fuck!
NYCMarchers seems to be having a meltdown at #OccupyCityHallNYC ? is it because they’re cop collaborators who are scamming a movement or because they realized the whole camp has eyes on them and is quietly waiting for them to leave?
y’all thought that pizza was FREE free??? lmao
NYCMarchers fucking assaulted someone at #OccupyCityHallNYC. more details as they become available.

FUCK them and FUCK Klover, especially. cop collaborating, gaslighting, violent piece of shit.
y’all are fuckin DONE.
Daniel Mayo is a little bitch.
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