NO there is not an "official" announcement of a new rebooted JUSTICE LEAGUE. "Official" & "confirmed" don't apply to fan sites & media sites reporting something w/o studio or artists saying it's true. This rumor's been around for a yr & every so often pops up again w/an "update."
The same game plays out every time. Fan sites repeat rumor, & 2 or 3 etc yrs later if anything resembling the rumor eventually happens, they claim they "broke" the news. They'll keep bringing this up & eventually since WB *will* make a new JL some day they'll say "we were right!"
I know that plenty of folks at various levels at studios or casting firms or PR offices hear rumors all the time a/b tentpole & franchise projects, so sites hear this stuff nonstop, while the sources know it's relatively safe bet to pass along that type of broad rumor.
Has WB talked a/b doing a new JL? Of course they have, constantly, since 2017. Have they talked a/b JJ Abrams possibly doing it? Probably, since they talk a/b him doing almost EVERY damn thing. Talk & "what if" etc happens all the time, it doesn't make it actually in development.
And w/something like JL, of COURSE WB wants to figure out a plan to get it up and running sooner rather than later, & talk & plan ways to achieve that. So is JL a priority? Generally speaking, sure, it's a huge IP & that makes it a priority. It doesn't mean there's true movement.
Has WB probably talked a/b doing another JL almost every time any other DC movie is being talked a/b & planned? Sure. Is it possible WB might right now have a newly started idea & plan to reboot JL? Sure. Might JJ Abrams wind up involved? Sure. It's all obvious "possible" stuff.
But it's stuff we've all heard repeated endlessly by fans & all talked a/b precisely b/c it's obvious some day there will be another JL, & every other DC movies has inherent implications for future DCEU & JL, & Abrams has been on the DC radar before & now has a deal w/WB etc.
It's akin to predicting Marvel wants to make a new Avengers movie, with a new roster of heroes, facing a new villain" and that they are looking at some of their favorite filmmakers whom they have great relationships with. Also, Captain Marvel & Spider-Man will be in it.

Claiming it's "in development," "early stages," & "things can change" & "take w/a grain of salt" provide a buffer, since it's STILL likely that this stuff was indeed talked a/b by someone at some point at the studio, & sites can claim "they can't admit it now" to dismiss denials.
B/c often, all of those qualifiers & skepticism a/b denials are indeed true to varying degrees. But that's why it's so effective to promote rumors, get credit if something similar winds up happening, but easy excuses if the rumor turns out to be utter b.s.
Sometimes it's fan sites making shit up & pretending to have "sources." Other times it's sites getting fake info from obviously hoaxers seeking attention, but they run it anyway. Sometimes it's sites getting bogus info from actual studio/industry folks w/grudges or other motives.
So the source for such rumors varies, but the constant is sites & media so eager for anything to get readership clicks they'll run a story w/o critically assessing the claims. They know fans WANT this stuff & many fans don't care if it's FAKE they just enjoy the momentary thrill.
As long as fans eat it up, other sites report it too, & it generates ad revenue + attention, this cottage industry of rumor-mongering will continue. But it's also true that in this business, if you DO get a tip like "a new JL is in development" then it's hard NOT to run it...
...but too many sites run rumors w/o critical skeptical tone, & they say "look how often we reported correct things" (often/usually this is an exaggeration or an outright lie, for some sites) to lend credence to the rumor, even while posturing w/"grain of salt" references.
And I'm not at all interested in stupid childish "beef" b/w sites or prominent personalities in fandom etc. I only care if shit's true or not, & whether artists/studios/characters/fandom are treated fairly & honestly. This isn't personal a/b anyone, it's just a widespread thing.
Let me add, to avoid being disingenuous: Yes I've heard occasional rumors & word of conversations at WB, AT&T, & DC a/b doing a new JUSTICE LEAGUE & I know some of the info was definitely true. But I also know talking & spitballing & expressing ideas/preferences is common...
Most of this was pure speculative hypothetical stuff, sometimes there was seriousness to the discussions but nothing came of it, and a few times the ideas & discussions went beyond a single comment or moment. And I do know WB is actively getting several IP ready for announcement.
But there are many moving parts now b/c of the AT&T acquisition, b/c of HBO Max, b/c of the unexpected changing situation w/COVID-19, b/c of changes to leadership, b/c of the fact DCEU plans have been up in the air & are still evolving, etc etc etc.
So how long it takes for anything to get serious momentum & turn into a "real thing" -- the definition of which is getting harder to pin down nowadays due to the aforementioned factors -- is hard to say, & which projects survive depends on which conform best & fastest.
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