Don’t you dare, you wooly haired fuckwit.
We locked down TWO WEEKS before you even started restricting anything.
We are still fully locked down now.
This is the guidance that was sent to all care homes in March.
Just adding this.
I expected it. Knew it was coming. The blame game.
Anyone who hasn’t been in a care home since March has no idea the measures we have in place, the training rolled out, the staff who have been in on days off to double up the cleaning team. The ones who have worked 7 days a week
And continue to do so. The staff who have offered to move in. The staff who have undertaken new roles when people have been self isolating. The staff undertaking and supporting residents with swabbing.
The love and patience shown to people living with dementia who don’t understand ‘self isolating’ or why they can’t go out.
The staff supporting skype calls to relatives and thinking of new ways to support wellbeing.
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