Q and A:

1. Do over 90% of climate scientists expect 1.7 - 2°C by 2042? YES

2. Will 1.7 - 2°C of global warming threaten to wreck basic crops? YES

3. Do over 90% of climate scientists expect temperatures high enough to be crop-wrecking to hit by '2038 or so'? YES


1/ https://twitter.com/ClimateBen/status/1279378054549250059
The vast majority of climate scientists would expect 1.7 - 2°C (or more, but not less) by ~2040.

I'd say this isn't a terribly controversial statement as temp rise seems to be 0.25- 0.3C per decade, and we're at 1.2/1.3/1.4C depending on the baseline.

2/ https://twitter.com/ClimateBen/status/1231692163072876546?s=20
These threads paint a worrying picture.

Extraordinary drought and startling crop threats already here in 2020:

The climate crisis is already beginning to undermine food security now:

Locusts in 2020:

If today's high emissions nightmare continues the damage to European crops looks set to be dire. Even with emissions cuts yields will still likely be badly hit.

(the whole thread includes a range of threats including Arctic sea ice loss implications)

7/ https://twitter.com/ClimateBen/status/1205958143001411590?s=20
'Even at low levels of warming, the most vulnerable countries will suffer serious impacts. In Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, 1.5°C of warming globally by the 2030s could bring a 40% loss in maize cropping areas.'

9/ http://reports.weforum.org/global-risks-2016/climate-change-and-risks-to-food-security/
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