my country, iraq ; a thread :
i’ve started this thread to spread more awareness about my country because it’s not being talked about and it hurts me to see that no one knows what’s happening to us so i thought of making this thread hoping it would bring more attention to my country and whats been happening
ok so the sumerian civilization is the oldest civilization in history and it was in iraq, my country, as we know that it wasn’t only sumeria that was in my country, it was also babylon, ashura, akkad, and more, but now i’m not gonna talk history i’m just gonna talk about what’s-
what’s happening now.. we’ve been through so many wars for over 30 years and we’re going through the same thing and it gets worse year by year. the war against kuwait, the war against iran, the war against the US and the american occupation-
the war against ISIS that started in 2014 and ended in 2017 even tho ISIS is back again but not completely but ISIS is slowly coming back again, and the civil war that started between 2006 and 2009 also known as “sectarian war”-
all of that and worse things are still happening, as i’ve mentioned MANY times before that we have a protest going on against our government for what they’ve don’t to us, for taking away our rights, for making most people live homeless and jobless, for making all iraqis suffer-
we went out to protests for our basic rights like, electricity, internet, good education, and many more, we don’t even have good hospitals and i can confirm this because two of my nephews DIED bc of how bad our hospitals are, and they were new borns-
we don’t have clean water, we don’t have good food, everything is so expensive and we can’t buy anything bc we don’t have money, i’ve experienced this a lot and i’m experiencing it today, my dad hasn’t received his salary in 3 months bc of our government, bc they’re stealing-
everything from us, so we went out to protest bc we’ve had enough of living like this, for so many years, it’s when the revolution started (october 1st 2019 known as the october revolution) we went to protest PEACEFULLY for our basic rights as i mentioned before-
we started painting and dancing and playing and the iraqis were so happy, it made us feel so proud to be iraqis, but while we painted the streets with bright colors and danced to music and had fun while protesting peacefully, our government decided to kill peacul protesters-
for protesting for their basic rights, over 900 protesters (men, women, children) were killed and over 1000 wounded and for what? for protesting peacefully! the protests are still going on till this day but bc of covid-19 they’re not as they were before covid but we’re bringing-
our protests back soon, many iraqi influencers were assasinated for supporting the protests, the government did not give us any rights or anything till today were still living like this, no good electricity, no good internet, no clean water, not even living in safety-
and our government literally stands with iran against us, and they don’t do anything for us. in 2003 (the war against america and the american occupation) americans were everywhere armed and held people at gunpoint, my mom one of those people, americans held their-
weapons at her and threatened her and told her to not move, and a rocket was dropped at my family’s house back then but thank god it didn’t explode, my friend’s family’s house got destroyed, and there were so many explosions-
and much more things happened and there were some evacuation plans that happened also. in 2014 the war against ISIS started, and we would get bombed everyday i remember hearing explosions all the time when i was 8 years old, it got to the point where we had to cancel school-
for a week or something bc it was so dangerous, it kept going on for 3 years, so many have died and now that i’m talking about ISIS i have to bring up a very important day that happened in 2016 in ramadan (our holy month), “the karrada bombing) the 4th anniversary was two-
days ago, the karrada bombing happened at night and it’s one of the most memorable days to us iraqis, over 300 died and 246 injured, the attack type was truck bombing, suicide bombing and it was by ISIS, and the target was literally a shopping centre-
in 2014 again, happened the “camp speicher massacre, over 2200 soldiers got killed, and ISIS recorded them, and it was shown on tv i remember watching it and then dad told me to leave the room, but yes over 2200 got killed by ISIS and to be more specific it was in-
tikrit, the attack type was mass murder and terrorism, it happened in june 12th 2014, aside from the fact that world war 3 that was trending in january was gonna happen in iraq and we had to shut our schools down bc it got so serious between iran and the US bc of the murder of-
the iranian general qassem suleimani (murdered by the US) it got so serious and they both made IRAQ MY COUNTRY as their war ground, thankfully it did not happen, it was also during our protests at the time the whole country was terrified of what’s gonna happen-
US troops were sent to iraq too but thank god it’s over now, but the pain of iraqis is still there, our protests are still going, and yet there’s no change, our government is not doing anything BUT they’re killing their own people instead of giving them their basic rights-
and in may this year an attack by ISIS happened a lot have died there, ISIS might fully come back. we’re still getting bombed till this day, we’re still getting killed for protesting peacefully, our voices are still not heard, my country is not getting any attention and-
no one is spreading any awareness about it, even in the carrds and petitions my country isn’t included and it made my blood boil bc we’re going thru the same that middle eastern countries are going thru but we’re not getting any attention and it’s made me so sad-
to see my people die without anyone knowing what we’re going thru, the government didn’t only kill us in our protests, they shut down the internet for 3 months we had to use VPN to use internet, and for 10 day not even VPN worked so we stayed with absolutely no internet for 10-
days not knowing what’s happening outside or what’s happening anywhere we were cut off from the whole world, imagine how much iraqis have gone thru and to see a trump supporter come and tell me about how they’re traumatized over 9/11 when 9/11 is everyday here-
calling us terrorists telling us we deserve everything we’re going thru when they’re living in fucking luxury while we’re here suffering, i will definitely add more to this thread if i remember anything or if anything happens but i want you all to please keep spreading-
this thread everywhere, no one knows what we’re going thru or even cares about us or knows that we even exist so please help me and my people and spread this everywhere please, it gets so dangerous sometimes to the point where we start questioning if we’re-
gonna be able to live tomorrow or no. i wanted to talk about covid-19 real quick in here bc so many are dying bc of how bad our hospitals are so please please PLEASE i’m begging you all to spread awareness about my country and my people-
we don’t deserve whats happening to us and we need help!! i’m gonna put some petitions for you all to sign and help my country iraq, if you’ve made it this far i love you and i want to thank you so much for reading and please spread this everywhere thank you <33
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