a thread of resources to read and consider when writing fic where there is a character who is a wheelchair user. please note this thread will contain NSFW text and images🧑‍🦽⬇️
(NSFW, IRL images) hopefully this link works as i can only find the cached version of this article. "'topping' while disabled': http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KWbLCYK1sD4J:www.newnownext.com/gay-sex-disability-tips/05/2018/+&cd=11&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk
i should note: i am not a wheelchair user, but i am a writer (and researching is my day job). if any wheelchair users would like to contribute to this thread or educate me further please do message me 😊
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