To all of you not employed by higher ed: stop it with your Very Bad Takes™️ on online teaching, university funding models, and what faculty should be paid. There are *countless* proper experts on here as well as thousands of profs. You need to sit down and listen.
Yes, you attended university once. Can you please provide an in depth hour long lecture on how uni funding models have shifted with changing state budgets in the past 30 years? Oh you can’t? Sit down.
Can you provide a breakdown of what faculty earn compared to administrators + how overpaid uni bureaucrats are + what they actually do on campus? Oh you can’t? Sit down.
Can you do an analysis of online pedagogy versus in classroom pedagogy and how hard we profs have worked and are working on DOING THE BEST DAMN JOB POSSIBLE to give our students an incredible educational experience in unprecedented times? Sit down.
For the rest of you: just because a Dude has a blue checkmark and a lot of followers does *not* make them remotely qualified to comment on higher ed. Listen to profs, post docs, grad students, admins (yes there are a lot of good ones), staff, and current students.
You can follow @indyfromspace.
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