As I’ve often said, Trump’s corruption is unique from past presidents only in that it is so public. A Biden presidency would be a reversion to the mean, in which corporate wheeling-and-dealing happens behind the scenes, through perfectly legal (but unethical) social ties.
This isn’t to say that both are equally bad; Trump’s corruption actively hurts the US national interest. Just look at US policy towards Saudi Arabia. But rather that we can’t get complacent and expect a new era of US foreign policy
It is on us to stay vigilant and prevent a return to “normalcy.” That means protecting whistleblowers, stricter policies on the revolving door, better transparency initiatives (e.g. visitor logs), stronger congressional oversight on executive powers, repealing AUMF, etc.
All of which is necessary for crafting a progressive foreign policy a la @dhnexon @ANewman_forward
I really need to write that @ForeignAffairs piece that @henryfarrell wants me to write...
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