So my sister married a very white man who changed his last name to ours

It’s been years, but the greatest gift is that when he tells people his name, they ask... where he’s from

And when he says MN, they say no where are you **really** from
The first time it happened, he asked how often he could expect it happening 😭😂😂😂 we nearly died laughing. It happened to him every day, at least twice a day 😂😂😂for like a year (he had started a new job). It happens sporadically. It’s still hilarious
@karissachen asked if he had a standard answer! After asking where he’s from, ppl ask about his parents, gps, ggps, on and on 🙃 He just answers w/the appropriate state.

Sometimes he’ll admit he took his wife’s name.. and then it’s confusing for ppl in a diff way 😂
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