Thread – The Latest Reason to Defund the UN and Toss them Out of the US

1. The United Nations has been undermining US policy and national security since its inception – as designed!
2. The purpose of the UN – the real purpose, not the vaunted words bleated since its inception – is to bell the cat (the US) and keep the world’s superpower and force for good in check.
3. The US has been out-voted many times over the years by various voting blocs in the UN – mostly by dictatorships inimical to human rights, freedom, and natural law. This has been exposed many times over the years, for example:

3A. In the decades after the U.N.’s founding, the influence of Third World dictatorships grew, and so did the institution’s anti-Western and anti-Israel orientation, culminating in the Zionism resolution that U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Moynihan so memorably inveighed against.
3B. That vote was finally reversed in 1991, but prejudice against Israel has become one of the U.N.’s core competencies — as well as impenetrable bureaucracy.
3C. As early as 1947, a U.S. Senate committee flagged “serious problems of overlap, duplication of effort, weak coordination, proliferating mandates and programs, and overly generous compensation of staff within the infant, but rapidly growing, UN system.”
3D. And those were the early, lean years. We pay more than anyone else to keep the U.N. in business, about 22 percent of the U.N.’s regular budget.
4. Yes, we pay more and get less – the proverbial kick in the pants – when it counts. The UN’s World Health Organization kowtowed to Communist China and blatantly lied about the ChiCom virus. Meanwhile, Americans died.
5. Then there is the UN weighing in on Antifa, as reported here:

5A. United Nations “experts” slammed President Donald Trump’s call to label Antifa as a terrorist organisation, claiming it will undermine Antifa’s right of “peaceful assembly” — despite many instances of violence by the far-left anarcho-communist group.
5B. [T]he United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) posted the flag of Antifa on their official Twitter account, saying that a group of human rights “experts” at the globalist organisation had expressed “profound concern over a recent statement ….
5C. … by the U.S. Attorney-General describing Antifa and other anti-fascist activists as domestic terrorists, saying it undermines the rights to freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly in the country.”
5D. One expert cited in the statement from the United Nations was Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, ….
6. What? The UN in league with George Soros? Say it ain’t so! (sarcasm now “off”). You cannot make this up! Why is this crap tolerated – in the United Nations or elsewhere? Antifa is a Communist-originated organization wreaking unchecked havoc and violence in American cities.
7. Antifa is an international terror org, and the Marxist clowns who infest the UN rush to its support. Antifa gets funding from China, Russia and Iran, for Heaven’s sake!
8. The UN should instead investigate freedom of dissent and assembly in dozens of their sh*thole countries ruled by violent intolerant dictators and single political parties.
9. You don't ever hear a peep from the UN on Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cuba, Zimbabwe, or China on their human rights violations and abuse of the natural universal rights to life and liberty of their citizens.
10. Is it because these countries are all wonderful paragons of civil rights for all their people? Hardly! The hypocrisy of these UN "human rights experts" is deafening!
11. The UN is beyond salvation; it is filled with rogues and thieves. UN support for Antifa is the last straw. Long past time to pull all US support for the UN and show them the door.

///The end.
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