Take a moment today to contemplate all that’s changed in a 244 year old nation, the final beacon of personal freedoms left in the world, over the past 4 years.

Fear mongers & the #ButNothingsHappening crew abound & scream & gnash teeth, swearing that “everything is normal” as-
...the walls & facades that previously hid terrifying, disgusting, highly organized & well funded layers of corruption that 5 yrs ago would have been written off as “baseless conspiracy theories” with ne’er a second thought from most of our nation fall down...
... People are waking up.

The truths are being revealed.

The people are getting pissed.

The big fish that we all have our sights on have yet to be shown on the news being perp walked, but many of their underlings are being arrested without much coverage.

Many of our -
...legacy media outlets & the newbies in FakeNews have been forced to cull their paid liars through layoffs.

People actually question news that they’re given that doesn’t make sense or have evidence behind it.

👆🏻that may seem like a small victory, but it’s the domino that -
...leads to what our enemies within fear the most: an educated & awakened electorate & populace.

Some, but not most, still fall for the division tactics, but tens of millions are seeing through it & realizing that the color of your skin doesn’t matter.

The only colors that-
...do are Red, White & Blue.

So have faith, my fellow country men & women.

“The wheels of justice turn slow,” and for a reason.

If we want to TRULY fix our nation & restore her back to what our founders intended, there are no shortcuts.

Nothing worth having comes easy...
...If you’re like me, or if you’ve traveled the world & seen just how great we have it merely by being born in or being a citizen of this nation, you understand that it’s worth almost any price.

So have patience, young Jedi.

Keep the faith, but keep fighting.

The USA was -
...born out of armed rebellion by men & women who were sick and tired of being oppressed by a tyrant across the ocean who saw us as nothing more than a revenue stream.

We are in the midst of a 2nd American Revolution, but this one is so well orchestrated that most don’t even -
...know it’s happening.

But you do.

I do.

It’s our job to help our fellow countrymen & women open their eyes, understand just how bad it’s gotten, and to fight back by spreading knowledge & love of country.

You may be shy, you may not have a giant account, but none of that-
...really matters.

The challenge coin from my first Special Forces unit had a bible verse that I’m quite fond of on it:

“Who will go? Send me.”

For if not me, then who?

For if not now, then when?

We each have a part to play, if we really want our country back.

The tides-
...have turned, but the work is far from over.

So if you’re feeling a little dismayed that the “big fish” of Obamagate or Spygate or UkraineGate or any other crimes haven’t been arrested yet, take some time to do an inventory of all that’s happened.

@EpochTimes has a lot of -
...great coverage of it, and @DawsonSField contributes some really good ones that most don’t know about due to a lack of coverage in the media.

But things are happening.

Have faith.

Patriots Fight!
Patriots Fight!
Patriots Fight!
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