And to the black trump supporters- many of you disparage the name of BLM because you don’t understand it or because you don’t want to see it. Many times the narrative of BLM is controlled by the main stream media. Many black trump supporters have this notion that we don’t address
Any other issue besides police brutality- if they ever do go BLM website or just speak to folk who are apart of this movement of bettering the lives of black folk they’ll see it’s not a one dimensional movement. But it’s so multifaceted with many actors and players
Fighting for the lives of black folk here in this nation. So to my black trump supporters - y’all need to wake up honestly. Stop using the narrative we were once republican (if you know your history the parties changed) also stop saying black folk are so fixated just on
Police brutality when it comes to white officers killing black folk. Stop it, the narrative is damaging because the very system that you are praising if we go back in history is the very system that would have brought you back to massa even if you were free...
I don’t know why I made this thread but listen I’m tired , I’m just weary of the ways of the world. While I choose not to engage with trump supporters because they’re so fixated on being right , to those who do bless your heart.
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