We have to talk abt trans people and feeling unlovable. A thread:

When I came out I was asked point blank by my FAMILY "but who could love you?" We desperately need more positive representation, we need to see ppl like us LOVED and VALUED.
So many trans ppl stay in the closet bc they just want to stay loved but their family/friends/community. Look at the dialogue around trans dating, "you have to disclose" "I just wouldn't date a trans person" we're made to feel LESS, like should be grateful for scraps
To spite our terrible rep as screaming snowflakes, we let ourselves be treated so much worse than we deserve. If someone VAGUELY accepts you, that's seen as good enough "what more could I expect? They misgender and degrade me but they call me my name, they're trying atleast."
We're so scared of being alone we offer inconceivable leniency, it's not just partners it's friends & family too. We need to talk abt this, all the shame/disgust/fear drilled into us, TALKING abt it, naming it, that's how we get it to fuck off. Talk about it!!!
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