There are 2 reasons why people move to Florida: 1) the weather and 2) no income tax. FL can afford to not have an income tax because of the MASSIVE tourism revenue it typically enjoys.

Tourists come from all over for Disney, and other theme parks.
Millions come from Europe because the Euro is strong & their money goes further here. Millions more come from South America because they are comfortable with the Latin flair of Miami.

Add Daytona for Spring Break and all the festivals like Ultra and Art Basel, and we are talking
BILLIONS in revenue flowing in to Florida every month.

What DeSantis did was squander the time he could and SHOULD have shut down Florida, when no one was traveling and everyone was on a level playing field in terms of draconian measures to contain the coronavirus.
He blew it for no other reason than fear of Trump. He caved to the WH, as did several other GOP governors, to perpetuate the insane myth that we can somehow just “live with” a deadly contagion spreading amongst us.

So NOW, FL tourism is in the tank.
It’s not just that people won’t come... they CAN’T come.

Europe has shut down travel to the US because of the bungling & irresponsible behavior of Trump, which has our country moving in the opposite direction of every other country that is bringing spread of the virus under

For some reason, so called “fiscally conservative” people in the GOP can’t seem to ask some basic fiscal questions like:
*who absorbs the costs of these protracted hospital stays?
*what happens to people who have lost work and are now uninsured?
*what will happen to
our international trade if flight restrictions get worse?
*what will be the impact on our food chain if we can’t bring in seasonal labor?

And so many more questions. Bottom line, the GOP is acting recklessly to give Trump a positive economic story line for November. It isn’t
working, and it won’t work because a deadly virus is NOT apt to accommodate the political machinations of a twisted, despotic leader.
DeSantis has put FL in the worst possible position because our state will take the biggest financial hit from the dual forces of dramatically reduced revenue that cannot be easily remedied by tax increases & dramatically increased costs due to the number of people (many of whom
are elderly) who are more vulnerable and may require extended hospitalization. Put simply, our economy is about to be eviscerated.

But that’s just the economic toll. Our hospitals are reaching over-capacity status, and our number of sick & dead just keeps rising. In the midst
of all of this, DeSantis refuses to do anything about the unemployment debacle, waits until the last second to extend the moratorium on evictions, and VETOES the money for online school to force parents to send their kids to in-person school in about a month, with ZERO plan to
keep kids safe.

In every way, with every choice, he is compounding and magnifying the anxiety of Floridians.

What’s even worse,he refuses to mandate mask wearing-the ONE thing experts agree can make a big positive difference-because he fears the unhinged, histrionic Q crew.
So he gives no guidance to municipal leaders and just lets each city figure this mess out on its own.

DeSantis launched his bid for Governor by using a racist slur about “monkeying” things up, so let’s sum this up honestly: a well trained monkey would be doing less harm to FL
than Ron DeSantis is at the moment.

DeSantis and Trump have landed hugely impactful body blows on the U.S. economy. And if they didn’t do it intentionally to appease our enemies, their dereliction & stupidity are bad enough to warrant immediate removal. At least with Trump,
that comes in November. If DeSantis had a crumb of honor, he would resign today. He doesn’t, so he won’t.

Someway, somehow, we have to survive this GOP disaster until we get new leadership in power. Until then, God help us all.
You can follow @PamKeithFL.
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