I was having a nice conversation with the talented @AliceMartin8 & it got me to thinking.. How many of your social media follows do you offer assistance to? I get many just want to up their #'s with aimless followers that they never interact with..
#DLRThoughts 1 of 3
But what's the point of that? I do what I can to collaborate with people that I follow & who follow me. From @TWrestlingGirls to @RocketToLulu to @AboveAverageLLP to @wowsuperheroes it's imperative for me to collaborate as much as possible with my network.. 2 of 3
I challenge all to share this thread & take it to heart. Comb through your followers that you also follow and do what you can to find common enough ground to help them better their brand through some form of collaboration. Let's Help One Another! 3 of 3
You can follow @DLovesRasslin.
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