Oromia is the largest Ethnic group in Eastern Africa averaging at about 56 million inhabitants. This is AFTER the implemented genocides.

This is important to note because they have been wrongfully villainized. THREAD:
With that population, rebellion or siege would be easy for them with little to no military training. This begs the question, why don’t they fight?

Similar to slavery, populated groups are instilled with fear and psychologically conditioned to prevent them from doing so.
You ask how were 56 million people Psychologically conditioned to this extent?

Well they weren’t. You see with this amount of people conditioning is not enough. There are laws implemented that inhibit Oromo people from speaking their language, and acting on cultural practices.
But still you ask how are 56 million people abiding laws that deteriorate their identity?

The answer is, there are Oromo activists who have tried to even utter ethical change which resulted in the killing of their families, the raping of their women, and revoking of their land.
If I was back home I also would say nothing in order to survive.
These acts of violence are not an issue of the past, they’re happening right now as we speak.
I have the privilege to speak up. Oromos back home don’t.
Use your voice and privilege. #OromoProtests
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