Thank you for your love and the gift of your embarrassment!

Lots to unpack here:

-religion, work ethic, providing for your family: these have nothing to do with racism… Not sure where you got that from
-weaponizing the term “racist” is counterproductive to ending racism...
...It drives racist ideas, beliefs and actions underground where they flourish and produce fear and those ideas become more difficult to identify and change...
...Further, just about everybody on planet earth has had racist ideas or beliefs at one time or another, the goal is just to be able to recognize those as racist and change those beliefs or ideas...
... here is a better understanding of racism: if it is a belief, thought or action that creates a racial hierarchy, a stereotype about a race, or a thought that one persons’ actions represent an entire race or ethnicity - racism...
... But having a racist thought doesn’t make you the worst person on earth, it just makes you human. Your recognition of that idea/belief/action as “racist” and an attempt to change it is the important thing...
...don’t get caught up in the “you’re racist witch-hunt” it doesn’t benefit anyone. It’s a huge impediment to people better understanding racism and it’s affects on people. It leads to denial and battle lines being drawn.

Keep it simple, racism is bad let’s be against racism
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