1/ It's Nationalist Social Club Week, where I'll be exposing the members of the NSC-131 all week.

Meet Cameron Savage Anthony, age 25.

He's been involved in the white power movement since at least 2013, when he joined the Stormfront message boards.
2/ NSC-131 stands for "Nationalist Social Club," but I'm going to go ahead and call them the Nationalist Snitch Club, on account of their leader's habit of snitching.

They're a neo-Nazi group founded by Chris Hood, former Proud Boy and member of The Base. https://twitter.com/AntiFashGordon/status/1270353723940900865
4/ Hood isn't the only former member of The Base connected to NSC-131.

There's also Zachary Brackett, who I exposed in April. https://twitter.com/AntiFashGordon/status/1249728880144941056
5/ Cameron Anthony joined the Stormfront forums in June 2013, connecting with the Connecticut White Wolves/Battalion 14 back in December 2013.

He used the handle "wildcard95."
6/ From there, Barry Balleck's "Hate Groups and Extremist Organizations in America: An Encyclopedia" says that Anthony joined Aryan Strikeforce in 2014, before the crew fell apart due to arrests in 2016/2017.
9/ In the fall of 2019, he attended a Patriot Front banner drop in Hartford, CT, alongside National Socialist Movement members Sarah Flynn and Anthony Petruccelli, and former Resist Marxism spokesman Michael Moura (black baseball cap).

Moura and Petruccelli are also NSC-131.
10/ By March 2020, Cameron Anthony, using the name "Cam Savage," was in Telegram chats for The Organization, a group of neo-Nazis who planned to use the COVID-19 crisis to forcibly seize the town of Sandwich, New Hampshire, and turn it into a white ethnostate.
11/ The group was renamed "Natural Order," and their plan was foiled when @161EUG exposed The Organization's founder as 17-year-old Zephyr Garrison, a high school student in New Hampshire. https://twitter.com/161EUG/status/1248459936847106051
12/ By June 2020, Cameron Anthony was a member of the NSC-131, joining the NSC-131 at a pro-police rally sponsored by Straight Pride organizers Super Happy Fun America.
13/ Super Happy Fun America's Samson Racioppi told WBUR that "There's no members of hate groups here today," but that's demonstrably untrue.

LINK: https://www.wbur.org/news/2020/02/22/super-happy-fun-america-back-the-blue-rally-protest-boston-police
14/ Anthony Petruccelli is a member of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement, and Chris Hood is former member of neo-Nazi groups Patriot Front and The Base.

Super Happy Fun America has always invited Nazis to organize with them, even while they still called Resist Marxism.
15/ In May 2020, the NSC-131 did security for a Reopen rally sponsored by Super Happy Fun America, and Chris Hood has been around the group since Resist Marxism was founded in 2017.

See this thread for a history of Hood's organizing with SHFA/RM. https://twitter.com/AntiFashGordon/status/1277562269786943488
16/ I'll have IDs coming out all week on the members of the NSC-131, and I'll be detailing their snitching, too, and how they earned the name "Nationalist Snitch Club."

For now, see Chris Hood's email to me, offering to snitch on Patriot Front members. https://twitter.com/AntiFashGordon/status/1248514024972718080
17/ So what can you do to fight fascism?

Share the doxxes with your community. Warn them about the members of the NSC-131.

They're not LARPers. They're hardened white supremacists who have deep ties to violent organizations like The Base, and violent records themselves.
18/ The police won't protect us.

Who protects us?

We protect us.
You can follow @AntiFashGordon.
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