“I only get involved in Presidential races” cannot be the norm anymore. Legislators write laws, not the executive. Want changes in education, law enforcement, environmental or almost any other area of policy? Invest downballot. Want to end gerrymandering? Invest downballot.
We cannot focus on the top of the ticket and expect things to change. Just the opposite. Nothing will truly change until we take down ballot races just as seriously, if not more so, than presidential ones. Converted votes for downballot can go up. Not the case vice-versa.
Yes the executive is incredibly important. Yes we must have ethical sound leaders. That said our system is built around legislatures and depends on them to operate. Don’t fall into the trap. ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL. Invest and help in state legislative races. PLEASE!
If you’re moved to do so, invest in my race. We have a real chance to remove a vulnerable incumbent with a toxic approach for this district, city and state. The money hill I have to climb is tiny comparatively but the gains are huge for the investment. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/benforjax
You can follow @benmarcus.
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