Make no mistake: just as principalities war against God #Truth, they also war against each other. We are indeed in a Spiritual War. Put on the #ArmorOfGod & be led by the #Sword #HolySpirit. Recognize there may be more than two sides in this war. This is a war for your #Soul
My current assignment's overall goal is to wake people up, mentally and spiritually. So, that means I'm going to be told to release certain things at certain times. Some is still developing, while some are written out and I just wait for the green light to go forth with delivery.
Anything I say/post needs to be understood as addressing your Spirit. It is NOT directed at anyONE or any group of people. It is one hundred percent out of love for you on a deep Spiritual level.
If my posts anger you or you feel indignant re: what I relay/reveal/ report, I need you to reread the three sentences immediately prior to this one. I love you all, regardless.
The Spiritual Awakening

God's bride, the Church, the ecclesia - the collective body of Christ's bride is asleep.
For generations, we have been content to spiritually slumber. We have continually hit the alarms on the clock over and over and over again. Meanwhile, during our slumber, time continued to past and life outside of our place of slumber continued to go on without us.
Just as those last few minutes or last few hours of sleep go by so fast, so has society. It has continued to move and change, in spite of the fact the Church was sleeping on the job.
Just as an employer does, when the Church failed to show up to work, Society and Life needing to go on put in a replacement. As is usually the case, the replacement didn't do the job the way the Church did & the way it was supposed to & the replacement may have ulterior motives.
It was different from the Church. It had a different plan for achieving it's goals. So, as the Church continued to sleep and not show up, time continued to click by, it clicked faster and faster.
The faster it went, the more was required to maintain the speed it was becoming used to. During the uptick of space, we have seen a downward spiral of society, all because the Church preferred to stay in and take care of itself, instead of being in the world.
We saw the family unit dessimated, increases in crimes, hate for one another, echo chambers instead of idea sharing, reliance on MSM and social media as opposed to questioning and researching, corruption in politics...
and as Timothy described it - a love for all those things God called evil over the Truth and the ways which God called good.
Just as we do as individuals, we eventually wake up. And the Church eventually will. However, as we have continued pressing the alarm clock, we approaching the time where we will have hit it one too many times and we will have officially overslept. It will be too late.
We will finally wake up, only to find we are too late. We will scramble to the office in an effort to save our job/assignment. We will arrive and find someone else completed it and it is completely and utterly destroyed to the point it cannot be rectified. Our Boss will be angry.
We thought we only had one entity to battle it out with, but turns out, more were on the project than we realized. Co-workers, most of which want to see us taken down, will fight amongst themselves trying to shift blame on those that worked on the project and us
Even worse, well find that the replacement's home company is slowly closing in on the company's territory and has implemented a number of their policies changing the very structure, nature, and purpose of our Boss' company and costing the boss so many assets.
We, as the assigned head of the project, will try to mediate & mitigate, be neutral. We will talk with the point person who took over for us & assured us they would take care of the project and follow all instructions. We will realize the full extent of everything- past & present
We will want to run away and go back to sleep. It will be too hard, to impossible to recover from. But we can't go back to sleep, because we still have to face the Boss since it was our project assignment, and in reality, it was all our fault.
The Replacement must go first so the Boss hears what happened. They'll blame it all on us & convey how all the failure is our fault. And it is... We didn't show up.
All because we focused on ourselves and decided to sleep in and not show up, and when we finally do wake up, it will be at the absolute final alarm. The alarm that indicated we were officially going to be late.
We will We will lose our position as point person for the assignment and may not be given the charge of new ones, if any new ones come along to be given.
That final alarm announcement is rapidly approaching. We can wake from our spiritual slumber now, put on the Armor of God and attack the assignment we have been given, and save the assignment before it is completely destroyed.
Or, we can continue to sleep and realize once it's too late that we slept for far too long.
The time is coming where you're going to have to choose a side. You won't be allowed to be neutral and complacent. Just as the co-workers argued amongst themselves shifting blame, so will all the parties bickering on the job site.
We, the Church, and we alone have to answer to God. Sure, we reached people here and there. But we forgot to train them, especially for the biggest assignment of them all!
Realize there are MULTIPLE parties working together to destroy what God created and planned. Many will think there are only two sides and choose one or the other.
Because of their lack of spiritual discernment, their grogginess from sleeping so long, and being late to the game, they won't realize the two choices they're choosing between are not good and evil.
Rather, the two factions of the Evil Ones army: dark evil, which clearly shows it's hand and light evil which masquerades as good.
There is, in fact, one other option. The third option, the Trinity option if you will. (How perfect right?) God's company. The company of justice, righteousness, blamelessness, and TRUTH.
However, many in the Church won't realize it until the final alarm sounds. They'll believe they did everything right bc they took care of themselves and had a stellar performance track record.
But, they will have missed their most important assignment and lost many of God's most precious assets in the process.
To the Church collectively: we have ONE main assignment from God. Our instructions and direction is for our implementation alone. No one else can pull this off.
To the individuals who make up the body of the Bride: be in continual prayer. Put on the Armor of God. Quiet the noise (social media, media, music, echo chambers, your friends, your family, your enemies).
Listen with your Spirit to His Holy Spirit. Use spiritual discernment. Recognize the difference between the light substitute and The Actual LIGHT. Don't wake up when it is too late to change positions. The time is rapidly approaching. The choice to know now or know later is yours
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