Constructive criticism vs Bullying

Few differences to point out if a mentor is being a bully or a critic
The Direction or End Goal

Always ask how does the feedback or criticism help you?

Does it lead you to become self sufficient (even if long term)?


Does it make you more dependent on your “critic”?

Does it ultimately leave you feeling stronger or depleted?

A healthy relationship (of any kind) is dependent on consent. While criticism may take you out of your comfort zone, it doesn’t warrant any invasion of personal space.

Criticism is a conversation.

Justifying manipulative tactics, brute force, slandering is bullying.
Authority and Validation

A critic criticises an opinion, craft, project, thought. It is not personal.

A bully gets personal. The focus is on gaining authority, on ego not on your development.

Best way to recognise feedback from bullying. Will continue this thread.
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