Last night I found out some very important information that directly affects me.

It's something that's existed for a while but I've only just been told or I would have shared it sooner.
My boyfriend is visiting his friend in Michigan and she has a bit of land with a small lake.

They also have some animals.
Animals, including ducks.
In this group of ducks, there are two male ducks who hang around together.

They are naturally referred to as 'the gay ducks'
My boyfriend (Preston) informs me that they have named the ducks Chris and Preston, in our honour.

They have been called this for some time and I've only just found out.
So, my news is.

There's a cute, gay duck couple, version of Preston and I just hanging around and drinking iced coffee from their (our) beaks.
I've got it on good ornithological authority that Duck Chris is unlikely to have a ginger quiff.

I will update you with pictures as soon as I have pictures of them.
Really, it’s made me very happy.
You can follow @ChrisQ_1.
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