Miss Chungha is officially kicked out of my stan list she literally used a pookalam which we mallus make for our auspicious onam festival and stepped & danced on it while it's still in pattern and unless you are mallu dont talk over me, I'll block you ass.
Here is the explanation for all those who want. And these are so carefully down every day for 10 days during onam that I've injured myself plenty by trying to not step on it. Pookalam comes in different colors and patterns so it's not "some flowers in design".
The replies under this tweet from yesterday will show you how we are treated here. Everything we say is invalidated, our feelings, traditions, religious beliefs. Please stop this. No one is saying she should be cancelled forever, all we want is an apology https://twitter.com/taejingalaxy/status/1279516311178133504?s=19
And if I see one kpoppie who is threatening me and my moots for this I'll come for your ass. Most byulharangs are okay but if a gg stan who token stans her comes here justifying this and disrespecting my culture and people it wont end well. I'll drag your ass to hell.
Even this, so please dm her fanbase @ChunghaGlobal so we can get a template for both the CAs. And I can already see apologists, please leave us alone I beg, I never said she's cancelled, I'm not stanning her after this that's it. https://twitter.com/wooftxt/status/1280083708691824640?s=19
Here is the template, so please let's email her company to do something.. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/18pkWr4QU1cbjEAde7Mlsfr1xZb6JVvuT93nmx9RsTZY/mobilebasic
Not at how some of yall are bringing up bts and mamamoo cuz I stan them. This is exactly why I said if you arent a mallu dont talk over me. Yall constantly make CA about fanwars and reduce it to nothing but a war of whose fave is more problematic. Sit down clown
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