Well, they're two numbers that allow me access to the humble amount of money I've collected. One of them is particular to my account and the other one identifies the bank. When I use them I can send or receive money from my account. I've memorized one of them but not the other. https://twitter.com/GarbageApe/status/1280002156763009024
Not my account number is cool because it's a palindrome, which means it had an accident and can't move its legs. No wait, I'm getting that mixed up with my horny uncle Frank.

A palindrome is a word or number that's the same backwards or forwards.

Sometimes I sleep in the shirt.
*this shirt.

Anyway, I believe that all routing numbers consist of nine numbers. Like I said, they identify which bank my account belongs to and you don't want to f*** these up when using PayPal, or I guess really anytime.
I currently have for credit union accounts, which means I have four account numbers and four routing numbers to keep track of. I don't have any bank accounts, so that simplifies things a bit.

I hope this thread met your criteria, @GarbageApe
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