Media has convinced people that "the end of the world as we know it" is supposed to be some grand event that happens suddenly and ends quickly and we're left to pick up the pieces afterward and learn how to survive from there.
We're in the middle of such a world changing event and people refuse to acknowledge the fact that the conditions causing this event even exist in the first place. They can't perceive something like an extinction event that isn't caused by a meteor or world war.
When the tragedy of this virus is abstracted into numbers in the hundreds of thousands, it becomes even harder because our brains literally cannot even comprehend numbers that large.
It has the adverse effect of making it harder to have sympathy for a large group vs a single individual.
I think that has a lot to do with the indifference in response from the US populace (among many other societal factors).
There's a weird disconnect happening. Too many people affected, too much self-righteous civil-liberty selfish bullshit, it's not bombastic enough so if doesn't fit our Hollywood-imagined idea of a global disaster..
Idk I don't have anywhere that I'm really going with this thread, just trying to get thoughts out about this whole situation.
Wish things were different
Wish people cared more
Wish there was more that could be done
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