Identity doesn’t have a clean taxonomy because sexuality doesn’t have a clean taxonomy because sex doesn’t have a clean taxonomy because bodies don’t have a clean taxonomy because life does not have a clean taxonomy
Every taxonomy is artificial. Sorry
Fun fact: the entire system of “Domain/Kingdom/Phylum/Class/Order/Family/Genus/Species” is deeply broken and hotly debated
We love neat and tidy categories. Nature doesn’t
Tangent but “Fuck Off Plato” is the name of my progressive screamo band
Oh god, don’t even get me started on the taxonomy of music genres,
For starters! And the crack soon becomes a fault line
Taxonomy is a tool with very serious limitations. It is not a Clear Eyed Vision of Reality. No matter what you’re categorizing

Sorry transphobes
👆👆👆 this is what people are on about when they say sex is a social construct, by the way.

computers are binary. biology is messy
Anyone who says otherwise *does not understand science or the scientific method* on a fundamental level.

They’re arguing about religion and souls, not science
TERFs about to get mad at “TRAs” for creative copy protection
Yep! And that’s why they keep trying to cloak their bullshit in sciencey-sounding words. Just like creationists
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