@G_RhysJones I wasn’t much of a fan of your article in the mail. Whilst the facts of cyclists being on the footpath I believe to be wholeheartedly true, your descriptions of cyclists are exaggerated; depicting cyclists as “yobs”....
...Claiming they’re travelling at 40mph on a footpath is absurd and the general tainting of the image of people no different to you keeping fit is disappointing, Even the headline, “Lycra clad Hooligans” is a bit much Considering...
The dog owners that can’t clean up after themselves are simply brushed off like it’s very little, shouldn’t that headline have been; “Sh!t smearing wannabe tiger kings?” There’s a lot of cycling acts I don’t condone, along with the acts of some walkers, horse riders, drivers etc
but what won’t help is driving a harder wedge in between the divide that the media seem intent on creating. We share this planet, these roads and we all make mistakes. We all enjoy being part of groups/societies/clubs yet we don’t necessarily agree with what everyone in them do.
The article could’ve been very different, instead of “us angels & them villains” how about “making it safe for everyone to enjoy East Anglia through signs, respect and education” but then I guess the mail would’ve ignored your work.
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