2) The results clearly showed that bringing the age of consent to 18 years of age reduced the rates of adolescent fertility and keep girls safe.
3) A paper, released in 2014 in collaboration w/ IPPF, stated the increased age of consent would make access to reproductive services including abortion harder. They even went so far as to say mandatory reporting laws harm girls b/c it can impede access to reproductive services.
5) "ACLU argued that the bill 'unnecessarily and unduly intrudes on the fundamental rights of marriage without sufficient cause,' ..." Cont.
6) "adding that 'largely banning marriage under 18, before we have evidence regarding the nature & severity of the problem, however, puts the cart before the horse.' Other groups, like Planned Parenthood & the National Center for Youth Law, a youth advocacy organization, agreed"
7) Just for 💩s and giggles, here is Slate's version of the New Hampshire bill. 🧐🧐🧐 No.mention of PP or UCLA.
9) Here's the kicker. In 2006, IPPF published "Ending Child Marriage: A Guide for Global Policy Action". In their guide, they call upon the recommendations of CRC & CEDAW mentioned in the 2014 study on the positive effects of age of consent laws on reducing adolescent fertility.
10) They repeatedly recommend age of consent for marriage be 18 & that consent cannot be freely given prior to the age of 18 citing coercion, rape, & abuse as proponents of adolescent marriage.

They also state a very interesting list of rights of children, given their practices.
11) It is very interesting their call for universal access to reproductive services lacks any mention of abortion here. The silence is deafening.
12) Either Planned Parenthood's right hand has no idea what their left is doing...

or they're intentionally sacrificing safety of girls from rapists, coercion, & abuse to protect the age of consent for abortion.

Their actions in court go against their own call to action.

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