1st thoughts from unit announcement?
I: I think I was excited and worried. I felt like I had to work hard since it's RV's first unit. I liked that I can show a new side of me too. -
S: I felt pressured to do well since it's our first unit. But since we've been together for so long, I was confident about our chemistry. Many people like our combination together so I looked forward to it too.
Biggest strength of the unit?
I: Whatever we do, we work well together. Because we've known each other for so long, we get each other well too.

S: There seems to be a lot of people who like our visuals together too. As the double/hooded-eyelid versions of each other. From the visual side to the chemistry built from our trainee days, I think these are our biggest strengths.
There are nicknames of Irene as a bunny and Seulgi as a bear. What would be Red Velvet - Irene & Seulgi as an animal?

Irene: puma!
Seulgi: I think of a puma full of charisma!
1Day1Gang (by Rain) is a trend these days. What do you want fans to do 1Day 1___ watching Red Velvet-Irene&Seulgi?

S: 1Day 1Monster Dance! You will become healthy!
I: 1Day 10000000 Enjoy! Please enjoy our music and performances!
What key words do you want associated w/ the Monster album?

S: I'd like 'A One and Only Unit Album.'
I: That's right. Going along, I think 'Irene & Seulgi' would be appropriate too.
Similarities/differences of the unit w/ Red Velvet's music style?

S: The similarity is that we are always trying new music styles and paving a new path.

If there is a difference, we prepared as a unit prepared music that's a bit more charismatic.
I: Right, we will be showing a stronger Irene and Seulgi than from Red Velvet promotions.
Differences in preparing for a RV & unit stage. Something you particularly paid attention to?

S: If we filled the stage as 5 of us, we improved the performance quality w/ dancers for Monster. Since it's very dance-centered, we made sure to coordinate well thru lots of practice.-
-Irene: The dancers helped us a lot. We practiced with the dancers many times for a more full and complete performance.
Any personal habits for recording/dance practices?

I: For the best condition, I wear the most comfy clothes & make sure I'm not too full. Before recs/dance practices, I exercise.

S: Not really a habit but I heard pear juice is good for the throat so I drink a packet before rec!
Any superpower you want?

I: The ability to sleep well anywhere!
S: Teleportation! Is there anything else better than this?
-S: I don't have a car so I think this is the ability I need the most.
Fav childhood game?
I: Gonggi (Korean children's game), and I liked to hide and surprise my mom.


S: Gonggi, flipping Hakjongi (paper), pile driving game (jumping onto others' backs), or playing dress up on sticker dolls!
Irene, was there a time you used the ability to look into the future?

I: Mm, I don't think I have that but I wish I had.

bottom note: she does... <3
When did you use your ability to not think negatively and be calm?

S: I think that's possible when everything is peaceful and relaxed. Maybe when all my schedules are completed..?
How do you overcome when someone hurts your feelings?

I: I go into defense mode to try to not dive deeper into the situation and emotions atm.

S: I meet the good people around me. As I meet them and talk, I think I try to look objectively if any of my behaviors was problematic.
When were Luvies the loveliest?

I: When they store/organize Red Velvet goods or photo cards or anything related to us in their own ways and styles!
S: That's right, and Luvies are the most lovely when we meet and see their expressions. The nervousness at fansigns is cute, and the heart-filled eyes at concerts is lovely too.
What is my biggest charm that I know and everyone else knows too?

Irene: Kinda cute once you get to know me...?
Seulgi: I think my charm is that I'm a nice and comfortable person.
Who was the happiest by the unit announcement?

S: The members were all happy and monitored (watched) for us too. Wendy especially called a lot. Every teaser, she said they're pretty and watched, and I could share my thoughts with her too so I was thankful.

I: Luvies ❤️❤️❤️❤️
To myself, and to each other?

Irene: Red Velvet-Irene & Seulgi fighting ❤️

Seulgi: Take your vitamins! Let's show a good performance to Luvies!!
To Luvies:

Irene: Luvies, you waited a whileee right? There are a lot more waiting in the near future. As much as you waited, I hope you are happy.
Seulgi: You waited a while Luvies~!! I don't think we had a break this long but I hope you've been well. I'm so nervous to be promoting after so long. As nervous as I am, we prepared a lot to show a more complete stage so during these hard times, I hope you are happy watching us.
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