I remember my early 20s, my mum had just died. I graduated, served and began the job search in full force. Those who promised to help us when mama died ghosted me, told me they'd call back or sent me on a wild goose chase. At this time, my closest friends had jobs,
or were assured of one due to their background. I was on my own mostly, and it was a tough time.

When I finally landed a job,I was put under (unintended) pressure by my friends to travel with them, to shop at the nicest place, to watch movies at silverbird cinemas every weekend.
I couldn't do all that because I had a plan: To save up and invest my money and use the ROI to travel if I felt I could afford it. I refused to spend the little I had lavishly because I wanted to keep up with my friends. I even lived with my friend in Victoria Island for a while,
then finally got my own place in Anthony village even though my office was in Victoria Island.

I liked the Island, my friends were there and it was the kind of lifestyle I craved. I could also afford a small one bedroom apartment in Lekki if I wanted to, instead,
I saved and managed myself in a way whereby I could have fun, just not the lavish type.

My 20s wasn't to keep up with the Jonses, it was to work hard, give myself as much leisure benefits as I could afford that won't derail my future plans and, to give value in my work place.
Because I knew that at 35, I needed to have learnt enough, made the right connections and shown how much of an asset I am to be able to start my own company. I was so focused, I accelerated faster than I thought I would and started my own company at 30.
I'm writing this for you who's in your 20s, to take a deep breath and find a balance. To find ways to invest now because the earlier you begin, the more your ROI. I hope that you do not fold under pressure to do what others are doing that you don’t really care for, I hope you...
give your all to your employer because you learn by doing and the knowledge you amass is yours forever. I hope you have a plan, because life comes at you hard as you grow older, and if you don't have a plan, there's nothing to guide the swift decisions you may have to make.
There's so much goodness ahead of you, I hope you see it, I hope you don't lose sight of it.

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