**STEPPING OUT OF CHARACTER ALERT** Thank you so much for reading these tweets. I really wasn’t expecting the account to blow up like this (it’s been a strange week!) but as it has, I just wanted to talk about *why* it exists… (THREAD) 1/
Now, if you’ve been on the receiving end of a comedian’s “misconduct”, there’s nothing here that you won’t already know. Feel free to skip, there’ll be more jokes tomorrow. For everyone else, read on… 2/
The comedy industry is broken. For a long time, widespread sexism, harassment and abuse has gone completely unchecked (Not to mention racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, classism et al and all the ways in which they intersect.) 3/
From the boys club/laddish mentality that the industry is seeped in, to ‘jokey’ comments and inappropriate hugs, to sexual assault and rape. There are too many stories from comics, young fans, flyerers, venue staff and others and they are all devastating. 4/
Some of the perpetrators are names you might recognise. Many of them are known about throughout the industry but continue to work. Many female comedians have lists of which acts to avoid and warn their colleagues about. 5/
None of this is right. It never was. It needs to change. 6/
I think it’s only right to joke about the shit apologies men give, but in doing so I am still talking about the men, not the women who’ve been brave enough to speak out. SO… 7/
You may have noticed that this account is following only funny women and non-binary people - comedians, writers, directors, producers. Why not have a scroll through and follow a load of them too? (or, indeed, all of them!) They don’t need my endorsement but here it is anyway. 8/
Many, if not all of them, will have stories from their time on the circuit for which they deserve far more than an apology. Some have tweeted about them recently - if you come across these stories, please read them, process them, act on them. 9/
Comedians on the receiving end of this abuse (predominantly but not exclusively women) have historically been unable to call it out because, perversely, they're more likely to lose work and support than the ones doing the perpetrating. 10/
That's why it's *everyone's* responsibility to change the industry. Particularly men. 11/
Comedy men, actively intervene when you see friends/colleagues behaving inappropriately. Promoters, stop booking predators. Agents, stop covering for creepy clients. TV companies, place accountability ahead of profitability (and employ more women and non-binary people!*) 12/
*and people from the lgbtq+ community, people of colour, disabled people, working class people, people from other marginalised groups, and people who are many/all of the above. 13/
I’m not going to pretend to be able to talk seriously on this subject as well as others. That’s why I created an anonymous account to make jokes about it. So I’ve shared, and will continue to share links from other people at the bottom of this thread - I hope that’s useful. 14/
Thank you so much for reading the tweets (although some of the best ones were written by friends so I can’t take all the credit), I’m really glad it’s been so popular (humblebrag) and I will be doing more (I know, what a hero!). 15/
Normal service will resume presently.

But in the meantime, thank you for reading this, take care of yourselves, and let’s fix the industry!

PS - There’s no hidden meaning behind my profile pic being a photo of Tom Hanks. I couldn’t find a good stock photo and I’m no good at photoshop. 17/
So, here’s my far from exhaustive list of useful links, it’s largely UK based cause so am I, but I’ll try and include stuff from further afield… 18/
This article @iamchelseahart in Chortle calls for action against all abusers - not to just sweep the allegations under the carpet again:


Two years ago, @suzi_wild wrote this article for Chortle about how feminism has definitely *not* gone too far in the UK comedy industry.


I urge you all to read this extensive and essential thread compiled by @SaliWho - made up of testimony from women and others on the circuit about the awful shit that goes on - platforming all the voices except the apologising men.


As many of you will know @jenkirkman has tweeted extensively on this subject, but this thread in particular is a very good resource for male comics who want to help make a difference.


And finally (for now) here’s a link to the @LiveComedyUK (Live Comedy Association) website. Accountability is sorely needed in our industry and this organisation offers the best chance for that - if you’re a comic in the UK, please join and support.


Oops, I shared the wrong tweet for @SaliWho's thread. If you want to start from the top of it, here y'are:


This thread by @tiffstevenson from 2018 succinctly lays out the numerous barriers faced by women in comedy *aside* from predatory men.


This post by @idilsukan addresses an important point that I glossed over - unchecked power is baked into the structures of the comedy circuit.


Also, this:


You can follow @Comedian_Sorry.
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