last tweet about this stuff
let’s switch this around;
if a man said “all women should be executed” you guys would have a temper tantrum, report his account, call him a misogynist, even if he called it a joke like you guys do. but when you do it, oh yeah, it’s so funny. (1/?)
you fuckers need to learn that equal rights ALSO MEAN EQUAL RIGHTS FOR MEN. if you think all men should die, you’re thinking how Hitler thinked; you blamed all your problems on a specific group of people and want to kill them all. does that still make you seem like a (2/?)
peaceful warrior, fighting against the patriarchy, or does it make you seem like a complete asswipe who’s worth less that my grandpas used tissue. learn what equal rights mean, people like you are like a human equivalent to a participation trophy. (3/3)
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