So I was being attacked by people from foreign countries for my believed satirical opinion on Facebook and literally had to block the Aussie, British and Canadian assholes. And I AM THE PERSON FACISTBOOK BANS FOR 24 hours. #FuckFacebook #FuckBillGates #FuckTheHiveMind #FuckZuck
Retweet please so people wake up to the silencing of Americans. Ps the article I posted on was about Bill Gates looking into creating breast human breast milk in a lab. Basically no more breast feeding needed. But don’t you dare question a nerd with no real education in biology.
Let’s get it trending shall we? #bubonicplague #Vision2020 #virus #COVID #TrumpHasNoCredibility <— this one lmao #Adrenochrome #BillGates
This is the world we live in. And the best part? They attacked every person who said “this is what we have formula for”. Which is true. Why are we not allowed to not be ok with genetically lab made breast milk but the same assholes will scream NO GMOs. Fucking clown world. 😑
I’m so disgusted with everything. They wonder why people just watch the world burn? This is why. This is how hearts turn cold. If you told me Silicon Valley crashed tomorrow and thousands of people lost their jobs. I wouldn’t look at it twice. I’m not sorry for that either.
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