Hi pals,So today it's a beautiful summer Monday morning,the sun is already up at 7am here and like I promised yesterday,I am going to release one sign each day for the whole of this week that will show you that you have what it takes to make it as a professional footballer.....
So here we go number 1
Full dedication to your daily work. In my soon to be released book titled "How to become a professional footballer" I explained in details what your daily work should be as an aspiring pro,so for want of space I will not go into full details again but ...
I will only summerize ,hard work ,dedication and being commited to your daily work out is the key to your success as an aspiring professional footballer.The super stars you hear their names in the big leagues today wasn't super stars growing up,they became super stars through ...
Constant dedication to their work and practice.Remember there is nothing like luck in football,Things happen as a result of actions or inactions of those involved in it.If you are a young kid aspiring to become a pro you will learn a lot from this thread and to the parents too..
If your kid is interested in playing professional football,keep a close eye to this thread,I will show you some of the signs to watch out for in your kids so you can groom him or her towards becoming a professional football player.
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