Part 2 the the last thread:
Other saw and we got to talk about our future plan with the stings. We are trying to a get a Wayy bigger group. I mean a network. And they've got half of it mapped out already.
And the link: (we found a link from the ZZ,Pdo,Trffckng rings and an actual missing person's) is looking pretty strong. The way it's looking, there might be a murder involved and we could find their buddies who are doing the same shit. Theres a lot of coulds, but that's how it is
Me saying that we collected more info than the actual detective is in no way a hyperbole. Me and other found the messages between this third link and an actual pedophile, And that her belongings were found in his moms car.
So saying all that: these accounts are doing nothing but weighing us down. We seriously have to clean ourselves from the internet. We might have a few enemies soon so its probably best to be safe. Our community is pretty fucked. We were doxxed in these rings (as mentioned b4)
We need to shut it all down though, officially. Other agrees. This account will NOT just go completely Radio silent out of the blue. That means we are fucked. If it does we have programming and people that will release what we have as of now.
There will be an official statement from me and other when we Do disconnect. If the last thing on this account two months after silence isnt that, expect the shit we've got after the third month of silence. Just how other set the code up. Also so there's no false alarms.
The way I'm saying it all, sounds like it's a huge scheme. Our residence is held together by duct tape. But it's a big fucking project on our parts and we aren't even a third way through.
This is a huge info dump on my part, other has been doing more of it all 'bts' (even though it's all been behind a curtain to a point) they've been doing the relaying to others, the coding. I've been more of a face, even though we are to a point anonymous.
Barely anything here was from other, I've been doing the more physical shit because other will be persecuted for it. I don't want to go too deep about if all. But I brought up other recently, even though they've been here the whole time. Felt kinda fucked.
Probably going to update this thread with as much info as I can give eventually. If not I'll make a third one but for now, Love to yall who read it all đź’•
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