laundromats are weird , how do they make money i’ve never seen more than 3 people inside and it costs 1.50 to use the washer and dryer it’s like setting up a store full of gumball machines but only having 15 customers a day and somehow still staying in business
ITS SO WEIRD like even if they had people come in all day, the one by my house has 20 of each machine and they’re open from 6 am to 6 pm and it takes about an hour to wash and an hour and a half to dry a load of laundry right
and it’s 2 dollars total to wash and dry your clothes
SO if you do the math on that it’s 20(wash and dried loads) every hour and they’re open for 12 hours, at 2 dollars per wash and dry that’s 480$ per day
they also have water bottle machines and a machine where you can get soap pods for 50¢ ive never seen someone use them but let’s say of the 240 people MAX who could theoretically use the machines per day 1/3 of them buy a soap pod, which adds 40$
and maybe 20 people spend 1-1.50$ on a water or soda this would add about 30$ (on the generous end)
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