To explain, 90% of my family of choice and friends live in Kansas, so text and such is all we have. I use voice to text a lot because of the issues with my hands. so tonight I was using it to talk/send messages to TEAM TARDIS, my bestie/life coach group...1/
As I do, I make sure that BHE is a part of the conversation, since hi can hear me anyways and we have zero secrets from each I am saying things and reading things, and I say “man I love my KC family” and he sighs this sigh that I can almost feel...
I said to him “that was a I wish I could move my wife to Kansas, sigh wasn’t it?”
He agreed that it was and also agreed that I could say/post this on Twitter only....
If anyone wants to start a go fund me or such thing to help us raise moving funds to move to Kansas and once there help us find jobs, we are ready to move at the end of October. We both love the PNW, and talked about trying to buy a place here but we both feel a pull to Kansas.
We both want this to happen but it’s beyond us at this moment, so by making this thread and posts I put it in the hands of the universe.
This has to stay on Twitter since it is the one social media BHE isn’t on, so there isn’t any cross over to anyone he works with
You can follow @rebeccaltrichel.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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