It's my gf's birthday today, so I figured it would be nice if I wrote stuff that made her seems human.

She always posts the best of herself on her social media, but this is mine. She deserves more than the two-dimensional image she build for herself.
She's much more capable in expressing empathy and emotion than the robot that I am. She may not be an activist fighting for human rights, but she remembers the well-being of her family, something that lots of people who claims to be fighting for a greater cause tends to forget.
When in college, she had to work two jobs in order to pay her rents and living costs while also sending some extra to her family. She managed to complete her study on time with good grades. She is also currently managing our income and is really good at it.
As some of you may know, I'm a foodie but she isn't. However, she landed a job selling vegetables. So she had to learn tons of stuff as quickly as possible. This is her starting point, let's see how she turns out in a few months.
My gf and I are two very different people, you'd never thought that someone like me is dating a girl like her. Back in college she's pretty popular and she's hot. Lots of boys would give her attention and she could got away for doing mistakes by manipulating them. I'm so proud.
I'm the poorest guy she ever dated. I had no money nor do I live the lifestyle that other guys tends to think she lives. I'm the only guy she dated whose family aren't rich enough to give their son a car for college. I'm just a guy with not much to offer.
In all honesty, I shouldn't be brave enough to even ask her out, but I did. Dating her, on and off, I realized that all she ever wanted is for me to treat her with respect as a human being instead of pampering her by giving her whatever she wants.
Her style of friendship is weird too. Despite her emotional capabilities, she tends to hide away from her friends when she's down, only showing up to talk to them when she's in a good enough position in life.
She wanted to appear strong and happy in front of you guys, but let me tell you, she'll be devastated if you forgot her birthday.
So, @sjwsantun @hafidhmukmin @marikaksilahkan and her friends which I do not follow on Twitter or are using weird names that I can't remember, please say happy birthday to her.
Last, this thread was made because she wanted it as her birthday present. Along with an Amazon Kindle.

Happy birthday dear, I wish you all the best.
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