exposing @.ChefDevRBLX ; a thread because there's a lot.
he commissioned me on May 6th and rushed me until I completed it on May 10th. he then proceeded to talk about how my prices were bad and how he never planned to pay me behind my back. he strung me along for two months.
he would rush me daily when I told him I was busy at the moment but I soon finished,
I then finished it and he asked to pay with tshirt, which includes tax. the last image is him admitting he lied and talking about how he doesnt plan on paying me to a diff designer he commissioned
he then kept getting hostile every time I checked up asking to be paid.
continued ^
so then I discovered he commissioned someone else so I messaged him ab it,, and he brought up his virginity out of nowhere but okay????
and then that person sent me the logs of him admitting he never planned on paying me soo đŸ€­

I didnt even want 700 I asked for 500 like-- that's roblox tax not me 😭
then we had a whole argument in dms and I said I would make a thread if he didnt pay, and then he said I already did it when I sub tweeted him about it like an hour ago so theres no point in paying???
keep in mind I never sent him the template because he seemed suspicious and I never send stuff until I get paid. the design was customized merch for him tho so I mean
I waited 2 months, being as nice as I possibly could while he was being rude. just to find out he never planned on paying me. I love it here đŸ˜ș
here's him cursing out and yelling at another designer because they didnt wanna retweet a post he made on their main 😬
jfc theres a whole other person who he commissioned in DECEMBER AND NEVER PAID, I'm currently waiting on the chat logs but
chatlogs between him and chef. DONT COMMISSION PEOPLE IF YOU CANT PAY.
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