Kinda lame that even if I did show all the police reports and “proof” it still wouldn’t be enough, I’d just be accused of “photoshopping” and “lying” more :/
Just really marinating on this as it’s been two years since speaking out and there’s so many videos and even whole channels dedicated to “exposing me” like

Let’s say I give the case number - 16-12734. Irvine PD. Opened in August 2016. You won’t be able to request it so “LIAR”
Let’s say I show you some emails.

Let’s say I “give his personal information” and essentially dox him so you can “talk to him”


you know that’s illegal right?

All that I was able to say has been said. And hell I showed messages between us, like ??? what ? ??


Idk man even if 4-6% of cases are false guess what, that means 94-96% are true. So maybe just admit you’re wrong on this one 🤷‍♀️
If you actually care about “real victims” then ignore me? Let me fade into oblivion? Go help “real victims” if you actually care so much??? I don’t see any activism in doxxing me and making videos picking apart my story.
Oh here’s when I went into Laguna PD and they didn’t take the report that my boyfriend was going to kill me and instead chalked it up to “annoying calls” (hence no case number)
If this isn’t enough idk what is
To those who still won’t believe me despite giving you everything possible, it may be time to reflect and realize, you were wrong. It’s okay to be wrong. I won’t be mad at you.
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