Is one of the biggest buzzwords today.

For the right reasons.

In an age where there is so much information out there,

And so much stimuli to experience,

You NEED to know how to set yourself up

To lead the life you want to be living.

Thread below 👇👇

Simply put,

It is competence and understanding of a specific field.

You can, and should be literate in NUMEROUS fields.


I'm SO glad you asked...
A degree suggests you know how to take orders

And follow basic guidelines

There is STILL A PLACE for a degree if it calls to you

Don't let people tell you otherwise.

But a degree doesn't guarantee you anything.
What matters more is a skillset combined of

Soft skills and hard skills.

Soft skills are skills that let you interact well with others

Hard skills are technical/measurable in metrics

To be truly successful,

Literacy is the key you need to unlock your skillset.

You need to be able to read a room just as well

As you can read your tax statements.

You need to be able to work in a team just as well

As you can develop yourself solo.

Sounds hard, yeah?

Nobody EVER said otherwise.
Where you should start is simple.

Attempt to gain literacy of yourself.

Figure out where you want to fit in the world.


And will never be done.
Then, build literacy of your immediate surroundings.

Learn how your family members work.

Learn how your friends work.

Learn how even strangers work.

If you're truly charismatic and engaging with people,

I promise you can't lose at life.
Next, build literacy in your hobbies.

Don't just blindly enjoy them.

Tinker with them.

Learn how things were built.

How they operate.

Love your smartphone?

Understand WHY it works the way it does.

You don't need to be a tech junkie

To benefit from this knowledge.
Most importantly,

Build FINANCIAL literacy.

You can fall into success overnight,

But you can also lose that success overnight.

The investment in yourself,

Will pay off in your own investments.
Critical thinking is huge.

It allows you to develop these skillsets

By reasoning with yourself what does and what doesn't

Make sense.

If you get swept up in the tornado of opinions without reasoning,

Your life will be a whirlwind of chaos at all times.
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So that someone can learn...

- What literacy is
- Why it matters to them personally
- Why it matters to them professionally

What are forms of literacy you employ in your own life?
You can follow @_TheEveryman_.
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