Here's a non-spoiler thread between both cuts of Wong Kar-Wai's 2013 Ip Man film "The Grandmaster" I'll be only covering the first 15mins of the film. Why? Because both cuts give you an idea of how the film flows in those first 15mins which will be explained in this very thread.
They're three cuts of this film. The Berlin Cut(123mins), The Chinese Cut(130mins) & The International Cut(108)I will only be talking about the two cuts I mentioned at the start of the thread. And two, there is no definitive cut of this film. Wong Kar Wai handled every version.
With that out of the way, let's start the comparisons with a few scenes from the start of the film. First up, the start of the film from the Chinese Cut.
Now, here is the International cut. As you see here, the International cut already tells you who that person is from the jump, thanks to Wong Kar-Wai adding annotations(Something you see throughout this cut)this is not included in the Chinese cut.
This scene in the Chinese cut is rather strange to me compared to the International cut. It just seems so random. Keep in mind that this fight is in both cuts.
Now here is how Wong Kar-Wai edited this scene for the International cut. A nice build-up and easier to follow(The fight scene from the Chinese cut happens right after)
The International cut is a more linear approach and focuses a lot more on the two stars you see on the cover. Tony Leung as Ip Man & Zhang Ziyi as Gong Er. The Chinese Cut has more scenes and depth, is pretty hard to follow what's going on to a casual viewer and it feels bloated.
To add on focusing on the stars. Gong Er has a scene, not in the Chinese Cut. While the Chinese Cut has a scene and build-up to "The Razor" No idea why he was even in the film. He gets a cool fight and bye. Never to be heard from again.
Is the Chinese cut bad? No. Is it worth hunting down? Only if you really love the film after watching the International cut. Because once you know who these characters are it becomes easier to digest the Chinese cut and plus you get to see more beautiful shots.
I recommend the International cut to watch first(Currently on U.S. Netflix) and is really not necessary to hunt down the Chinese cut unless you really love the film as I said earlier or you are massive die-hard Wong-Kar-Wai fan(like who isn't)
Thanks to @Wonggifs and @KZvonaric for the assistance. These guys watch both cuts and gave me their honest opinion. Also @grantthethief for patiently waiting for this thread.
Forgot to also tag these fine people that were also waiting for this thread. @cinema_strikes @VyceVictus @Jo19Peachy @TrashCanDanpt3 @puritythrufire & @wldmarks
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