1. I tend to overshare a lot, Im someone who hardly ever lets things go so you'll hear me complain about the same 3 people over and over if for some reason the topic comes out
2. And because of 1st point, I often find myself annoying, for these reasons I'm never neutral in the way I talk with people: Im either too intense, or I barely try to answer, nothing in between
3. I don't know how to handle emotions
I cry over the most insignificant things and I get way too embarrassed at the minimum sign of affection towards me, thats why i barely say "i love you" let alone te amo, im just WAY too shy, if you will, to show affection
4. IM ACTUALLY REALLY AFFECTIVE DESPITE WHAT I JUST SAID. Im not one who takes time to trust people or start caring people as friends, so its pretty easy to me to start having strong (non romantic) feelings towards people
Which adds to the struggle of not being able to handle-
Emotions, I end up imploding because I find it hard to demonstrate how much I care for my friends and/or close mutuals, hell even my closests friends would tell you I rarely act affective, but I swear I want to be, I just cant because im awkward ajsikdl
5. This just feels like a thread of vale explaining her struggles with social interactions, anyway
I dont know how to show concern without being aggressive
Most of the time I see people having similar struggles of those I've suffered in the past so I fear they'll-
Make the same mistakes I made, so at first I calmly try to explain what would be the safest way to act, but of course in general we will see the negative side of it, and thats when I get aggressive
I just dont want people to suffer unnessesary pain, so I get worked up...
6. I really dont know what to say that isnt something bad so uh
I like math, and physics, I enjoy it even if sometimes I dont understand shit or of I failed both subjects, I really really like them
Also I've always had good math teachers so like!!! Yeah
6,5. Making this thread made me realize I dont find anything about me interesting that isnt somehow related to something bad, which is sad from me, what a dumba
7. I've had a total of 4 birds and 2 cats in my life, this aports nothing to anyone but birds and cats are cute!!! (I dont like having birds anymore tho)
Ah i'll say it here I love all animals! I prefer cats but I dont hate dogs for that all animals are neat :)
And for that reason I consider people who hate cats because of their allergies despisable cowards
The animal isnt at fault that your organism sucks, be mad at God but dont hate on animals for your illnesses LMAO
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