A THREAD 🧵 | as far as serbians and other’s from the balkans claiming albanian land and questioning our arrival to the balkans - here’s a breif guide to ILLYRIANS - DARDANIANS | modern albanians | below is a simple timeline for those who might not understand BC - AD timeframes
the albanian language is unique as it aligns with ILLYRIAN but also it can’t be compared to other languages as it has it’s own language branch | archaeological and anthropological studies have led researchers to consider the albanians to be the direct descendants of the ILLYRIANS
the ILLYRIANS settled in the balkans around the bronze age between 3000 - 2100 before christ - BC | when comparing ILLYRIAN to the current albanian it is the ONLY language it finds explanation from | http://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:326562/FULLTEXT01.pdf
extensive research also shows that the ILLYRIANS | modern albanians are one of the oldest in the balkans this is shown through artifacts such as the silver coin used during 540 BC which the TYNTENOI north of lake ohrid minted
also the goat on skënderbeus helmet correlates with the helmet of the ILLYRIAN soldiers with a ram during 700 BC | when comparing the slavs entrance to the balkans, the slavs came to the balkans around 700 anno domini - AD, which shows at least 1000 YEARS
to further prove the point the picture below shows the GENETIC GENEALOGY Y-DNA which in simple terms is human chromosomes in each cell that spans more than 59 million building blocks of DNA that represents almost 2 percent of the total DNA in cells
the Y chromosome passes almost unchanged from father to son | male ancestors carried their Y-DNA line along their migrations, allowing it to trace ancestors using Y-DNA tests | as shown above serbians first started migrating to the balkans from south-west ukraine during 600 AD
which makes them late comers to the balkans, now regarding pre-slav migration of the balkans, this map shows the kingdom of ILLYRIA including kingdom of DARDANIA 300 BC | pre-roman • before 180 - 170 BC
the map below shows the borders of pre-roman dardania and the roman province of dardania - kosovo, which aligns with the map above from 300 BC
to state the fact that kosovo is part of serbia is outrageous as clear evidence shows from Y-DNA that serbians came to the balkans 700 AD - albanians have been in the balkans before 400 BC
now if we compare the maps below which represents albania during the ottoman empire | 1479 - 1912 - it shows an identical boarder alignment with ethnic albania including kosovo | greater albania
albania during 1939 - 1944 | we can see the comparison between ethnic albania and modern albania / kosovo - it has changed over time due to peace treaties and border alignments which were used as political gains for serbia, montenegro, macedonia and greece
but the most valuable document in terms of proving serbia’s plans to get rid of albanians from their homeland is slobodan miloševićs mentor dr vaso cubrilovics memorandum “the expulsion of the albanians” which was presented on the 07/03/1937, in belgrade | https://docs.house.gov/meetings/FA/FA14/20170517/105978/HHRG-115-FA14-20170517-SD002.pdf
slobodan milošević leaned on the memorandum during the war in kosovo, it was an outline and the steps to take albanain land and to get rid of the muslims within the balkans - ‘the removal of the albanians & bosnians would cut off links to the muslim world within the balkans’
the memorandum also explains the plan to MAKE STAYING INTOLORENT FOR ALBANIANS through ruthless methods | leaving dogs unchained - COMPULSORY labour - abolish albanain basic rights and to distribute arms to their serbian colonists whilst using BRUTAL FORCE & ANY MEANS NECESSARY
one of the main statements made in the memorandum is that the serbian government lied to their people to cause a uprising against albanians | ‘in order to create the large scale conflict with the albanians, it should be encouraged, this can be done more EASILY since -
the whole affair should be presented as a conflict between clans’ according to dobrica ćosić a serbian writer and nationalist “LYING is the highest virtue of the serbian people” it’s hard to not see the correlation between the information within the memorandum & ćosić’s quote
the conclusion of this document states that to colonise the albanians from ‘kosovo’ the land serbians want, is to act BRUTALLY due to the fact that albanians are natives of this land, with their roots and their birthplace of ethnic albania
all in all - serbians call albanains terrorists because we fought back for our land, for our people whilst their government lied to them, the plan in the memorandum was set in 1937, and YUGOSLAVIA was used as a DECOY for a greater serbia which terrorised three countries
the real terrorists are the serbians who raped women, killed men women and children and attempted to exterminate the albanains and bosniak muslims | the fact that the memorandum was created BY slobodan miloševićs mentor A SERBIAN clears the denial of a greater serbia agenda
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