Describe your favorite audio drama but make it sound boring.
Nice people are nice to each other, but on Pluto
Adorable women go fix broken things to pay off debt
European VHS series
Unwanted outer space road trip
Nice people build a new home, sometimes things hit the roof
Ads are read
Girl meets people, sometimes drinks coffee
Woman opens a bar and makes friends
Nice person does nice things for nice people, there might be a wizard we're ignoring
It's mostly about the cocoa
Silent turtle sidekick
This Is Your Life but it's kinda sad
Disney but creepy
80s high school but with none of the John Hughes
Butch lesbian is sad, goes to a big house
Outer space sucks
Do not read the fucking latin
Small town funeral home rivalry
Treasure hunts are weird
Problems are solved by reaching compromises
Everything's awful and no one can go outside
Weird town, weirder radio station
There are so many more that I love but they're newer and I don't want to sum them up yet or I also just am uninspired or I know someone's gonna do better than me
Realized I forgot a couple so...
Advice. Sometimes there is a cat.
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