This thread is a must read for those who think education is in any way synonymous with wisdom.

This almost reads like parody, given that he wrote it *while riots are underway* in major cities *under #Dem control*, and in some cases—like Seattle— #Dems are aiding the rioters.
Given the growth of government *for decades*, never mind *the current riots* to eliminate rule of law, this quote nicely sums up the deranged, hypocrisy of this thread—
"Meanwhile, right-wing attacks on the Constitution? Happening now."
This is typical of craven academics—they align themselves with a mob, while pretending they are being defiant risk takers.

Despite Nichols's comments about being harassed for opposing Trump, he is taking absolutely no risk with such statements, and he knows it.
Given our current social breakdown, driven by the collectivist and authoritarian nature of our school system and govt, I'm not sure how one could make this thread more ridiculous.

Of course, it's no surprise that academics whitewash the destruction that they helped to create.
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